Case Study Schroders HQ - 1 London Wall May 2019
The impressive Schroders HQ in London was officially opened by the Queen in Nov 2018, and boasts numerous technological features built into its structure making it once of the most environmentally sustainable, and occupant supportive, office blocks in London.
Employed as part of the Schroders design team, NDA Consulting produced a design that migrated, converged and expanded, a ‘base-build’ standalone Niagara solution onto the Schroders IT infrastructure, to deliver an intelligent middle-ware platform that enabled the client’s immediate and future ‘smart building’ and ‘performance’ aspirations.

A vast range of systems where successfully integrated for interoperation including HVAC, lighting, power, energy metering, room booking, occupancy detection, IT support, solar protection and odour control. Examples features include a roof-top weather station that tracks the sun’s position and strength and uses the information to adjust position of blinds to minimise solar gain; the temperature control in unoccupied areas is set-back to save energy along with lighting reduction and automatic shutdown of equipment; and the solution is enabled for full deployment of a SPoG (Single Pane of Glass) operator facility concept. As the delivery consultant NDA maintained effective technical cohesion between the various delivery contractors and set the highest standard for solution witness and acceptance into operation.
The Fit-out BMS shall be configured to operate individual systems on a stand-alone basis but shall facilitate data exchange with a ‘Middle-ware platform layer’ (Hardware & Software) enabling full integration into the proposed iBMS (Intelligent Building Management System) solution and SPoG (Single Pane of Glass) operator facility concept.
Two independent critical cooling systems located at Level 13 serve cooling to critical system down-flow units and FCU’s within the MER, SER, UPS, AV rooms. The systems shall operate 24/7 via the BMS to satisfy the demand from the critical cooling Down-flow units and FCU’s.
The Kitchen Supply and Extract Ventilation systems shall operate together on a dedicated BMS time schedule for the respective Kitchen.
Air Handling Unit (AHU) and Variable Air Volume (VAV)
Boosted Cold Water Service (BCWS)
Chilled Water (CHW) System
Comms Room Air Conditioning (CRAC)
Energy Metering
Fan Coil Units (FCUs)
Base-build Hot Water Supply (HWS)
Leak Detection
Base-build Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) System
Intelligent Pump
Uninterruptable Power System (UPS)
Weather Station