Case Study Watford Community Housing Trust Woodfields House July 2019
As part of Watford Community Housing Trust’s (WCHT) 4-year residential property upgrade plan, Woodfields House was identified as requiring and overhaul of its mechanical and electrical service plantrooms.
Woodfields House is retirement housing, built in 1982, consisting of 29 individual flats.
NDA Consulting was involved as project support for the M&E Consultant, BYA (Butler & Young Associates), making sure that the BMS and controls complied with the M&E specification and the installation was completed to a high standard. NDA Consulting also created the graphics so as to keep consistency with the existing BMS and networked plantrooms.
Heating and Hot Water is provided to the main building and flats via 3 Plantrooms:
Main Boiler Plantroom
North “satellite” Hot Water Service Plantroom
South “satellite” Hot Water Service Plantroom
Due to the mechanical and electrical plant in these plantrooms being either “out dated”, defunct, or no longer serviceable it was deemed that all services should be replaced with new, up-to-date and energy efficient plant and a BMS control system installed and linked to WCHT’s current residential housing BMS network and server hosted by NDA Consulting.
The new BMS control system includes the following;
Brand new purpose-built control panel
New power and control wiring to all plant
The latest Trend IQ4 Controllers
Trend IQ View 8 in the Main Boiler Room
Energy Heat Meter
Network connection between the plantrooms and the hosted BMS “network”
New dynamic Woodfields graphics pages
NDA Consulting were responsible for assisting BYA with the compliance checking, reviewing and commenting on the BMS technical submissions & drawings, reviewing & commenting on the BMS description of operation & software, attending project progress meetings, checking & snagging the BMS installation, reviewing the "As Installed" drawings, reviewing the commissioning sheets/data, attending the on-site witness testing to the hosted server and commenting on the final BMS O&M's.
In addition to the above, NDA Consulting provide a hosting service to WCHT for all of their connected sites. This involves remote support, alarm monitoring, daily connectivity checking, monthly plant status and site connectivity reports. Through this we have a very good relationship with WCHT and continue to be their preferred BMS Consulting Engineers.