Posts from June 2024

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NDA Consulting Limited’s primary aim is; 
“To be the natural choice company for Building Services Systems, BEMS, ICT and Intelligent Building Solutions” 
This may include any aspect of Building Services Systems and Energy Management consultancy from concept to final implementation and support. We will also seek to facilitate efficient and effective controlled environments which support and enhance our Clients’ operations. To achieve this aim NDA will strive to deliver value for money and continuous improvement to our clients and has established the Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2015, to promote a culture of quality assurance for the Company’s systems and processes, under the direction of the Managing Director. 
Our main Quality Objective is to continually strive to deliver 100% client satisfaction and to be our clients’ partner of choice through the provision of a professional and quality driven service, which not only meets the contractual requirements of our customers and stakeholders, but strives to exceed their expectations. We do this by ensuring we regularly communicate with our clients to understand their needs and provide good quality service at a competitive price, specific to their requirements. In the provision of our services, we also satisfy any legal and regulatory obligations. 
The Managing Director provides all the necessary and relevant resources to enable the staff to carry out their roles in a professional manner and within a safe environment. The people who work for NDA Consulting Ltd have been employed on their ability to do their respective employment role and their willingness to immerse themselves in the organisational knowledge and culture, taking opportunities to develop themselves and others, as appropriate. NDA Consulting Limited is committed to the training, development and motivation of all employees and all personnel receive regular work-based appraisals to enhance their competencies and skills and, where appropriate, we provide any training necessary to meet any changes in requirements and market trends. 
The management of our Supply Chain involves the regular evaluation of detailed criteria to ensure they can meet our demands to enable us to provide a quality service to our clients. 
Our commitment to quality applies to all aspects of the business as we develop a quality culture of continuous improvement throughout the company, our suppliers and partners. To achieve this top management will set and regularly review the Quality Objectives. In turn, it is the responsibility of all NDA employees to be aware of this Quality Policy and company objectives in this regard; to be committed to continuous improvement; to comply with company policies, processes and procedures; and to conduct themselves to the highest standards at all times. 
As an organisation, we are always looking at how we can do things better and obtaining feedback and client retention is essential to understanding how we can do this. 
Our Quality Policy is regularly reviewed: the most recent version is displayed on our internal company server for all internal personnel, and a copy is provided to all new staff at the time of induction. A copy of the Policy can also be found on our website where we are able to communicate our values externally. On request, will provide our Policy to any other of our Interested Parties.